The Distraction Decade: Hunger, Anger and The Labels They Gave us.

9 min readFeb 2, 2021

Lexicon Tracking 2008-2020.

AKA *Trickle Down Hatred*

Ed: Aware of typo’s? Tell me in the comments!

A little round the corner of an alleyway, a kaleidoscope of trash, someone’s dog they couldn’t feed and turned to A Stray…

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…nearby a feral man is never short of opium, dust, dirt , the choking of an old car engine, a tattered poster giving orders to the… pets of people eking out a living… is a tired paved road, the people shout on empty stomachs “Death to America”.

“People are in tents! I run through people’s Living-Rooms!”

- Comedian, Scott Capurro

Is this place I describe A Syrian refugee camp, is this Iran, North Korea or London, New York, San-Fran and Los-Angeles?

Tents towns- Los Angeles,USA, Credit :Yahoo Images.

Everyone thinks they know dictatorship, or if 2020 taught us anything they think they know about The Nazi’s.

Apparently, the spies and saboteurs were everywhere (at least in reality of the internet) in fact by not seeing them it just proved their cunning power- quite The Nazi style statement in itself- ‘New Los-Washington Times’ .

Dictatorship runs on labels, and paranoia on blaming anyone but those in charge.

Of-course, turning people against one another is something that happened somewhere in history books; not now we’re diverse and inclusive obviously!

Credit Zach Goldberg/LexisNexis Co. Use of phrases tracked 1990–2021

A Story from a History Book:

“Your neighbor is so good at being evil…” says ( The SS Politzei), they smile at you, offer you food. That smile,in your mind warps to a grin, “that grin is sarcastic”!

You’ve been told “you know what they really mean” “Of-course they can smile offer me that food, {says this harsher new voice} they have it all” no longer included in The Reich and ‘good’ and German like you but something else inferior another label given to you to understand by someone who knows better in The Establishment, A Doktor and Proffessor; next thing your neighbor (along with his pretty wife, and playful kids) who gave you a cup of sugar is now- dead.

In 2010–2020, the labels were also ‘given’ to us:

I put to you that… a decade ago the apparant progress made in nobody giving a damn about ethnicity or sexuality didn’t suddenly evaporate. on January the 1st 2010- we didn’t start beating up ‘Gay’ American’s; so why the rainbow crosswalks from the small cities of the England to The Capitol of the United States?

UK perception of Homosexuality

In June 2020 did black lives suddenly matter? Or before that in May 2020 were New Yorkers en-masse attending the KKK? No. Millions supported the protests- before the riots.

Credit Zach Goldberg ii


These labels were ‘handed down’ by The Institutions right, those institutions are directly funded ‘the big banks’ .

In 2010, despite this increase in delivered terms of division by the Corporate Media in 2011–2013.

The Occupy Movement where young people gathered on the steps of corporate institutions to protest global government bailouts of trillions of dollars to banks who collapsed following bets on increasing commodity prices I.E. The prices of your homes, of goods and services, and credit in place of concrete wages.

In 2008, The Global Recession hit. News is events, large events create fear, fear creates division…or does it? Indeed protests took place internationally from Argentina to the USA

Beginning of the artificial drop in US Income

Therefore, if you were in charge as those banks, those national governments that supported them very much were and are you’d need to divide that crowd, get them to fight amongst themselves, assign them labels that contradict, that squabble that distract the mind from tyranny. Iran says “Death to America”, The citizens of America vows to fight each other.

This is how Dictatorship thrives “on official labels”

To use extracts from an expert in Brainwashing: the late Prof Joorst Merloo, Dutch Psychologist and Expert Witness to the 1950’s US Government to both (the actual!) Nazis being the only member of his family to survive The Holocaust and US military Psychologist attaché representing US prisoners of captured by Chinese troops in Chinese Occupied Korea- brainwashing was actually a Communist Chinese term.

Told What to think, How to think, and When to think it:

[I do not do this: Tap to read E version of Prof Merloo’s 1956 ‘The Rape of The Mind' for only 0.67 US cents. ]

The Label, The Degree, The Diploma- and 50% of our population attends university, compared to 10% in the 1980’s- I doubt The West got 50% smarter!

The easier label of the degree (in the official way of thinking), gave way to the handed down label of race, sexuality or other divisions.

Moreover, our institutions- are they more competent, less corrupt, our jobs more secure?

Or, are we more angry, more willing to submit to any [of all persuasions] order of the day?

Anxiety rates have increased dramatically.

Anxiety is also considered separation distress, we have been separated from our homes and homelands from African Migrants to Brazilian shanty towns by who?

Scared people tend to get lash out, fighting is a ‘good’ thing if wants to end a civilization, the previous one from 1930–1970 where in America and even eventually in Western Europe despite two World Wars, as men were told to fight for reasons handed down- the quality of life increased people with money, with disposable income are more personally secure, tend to require banks less, and donors from the government less.

Check Your kids ‘Media Studies Sources’ Seperation Anxiety and the Lies of ‘No Truth’

Lastly, [for this segment] “separation” requires the taking apart of something to ‘break’ it.

If you don’t believe in anything, societies go mad.

Their are but a few real truths in this world, like gravity or the events of recent history…

Replaced by the idea that ‘everyone’ can simply write there own story, ‘live there own truth’, an obese women can live her truths of health but she will still die young

The toxic “everything is simply a story” began with 1950s mass Media.

How many times have you heard “that is just your narrative”? From both sides of the political isle, even medicine, use this term today- the idea that their ‘is no truth’, was perpetuated by ‘Scholars’ Roland Barthes who defended pedophiles .To him- no truth, in law, in all authority, in age…in the Age of Consent!

Barthes is cited and simplified for young people in extremely popular Media Studies classes today- I took such classes as a teenager, just at that age of consent amongst those teaching adults.

He who justifies evil absurdities, will make you commit atrocities

- Voltaire

Neo-Fascism and The Corporate State:

Whether you side with you consider yourself, by the label assigned to you by the political institutions Left, Right or Other, Capitalism doesn’t appear to be working. That is because as Dennis Prager doesn’t want to tell you Real Capitalism (also) has not been tried at least for a long time.

30,000 troops at President Biden’s Inauguration doesn’t seem particularly freedom loving

Fascism comes from the Italian term ‘Fasci’ meaning collective of sticks you must tie sticks up to get a bundle of sticks, restrict movement.

The Fascist Economy:

Corporatism (“corporativismo” in Italian) is one of the cornerstone principles in Mussolini’s fascism, and had to do with the way society and the economy would be organized, with state power at the head of a system of guilds or corporations (“corporazione”) representing each major industry.

A Corporation is not a company, the store you owned before the lockdowns was a company. Amazon, Walmart, Wall-Street names are A Corporation.

A large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law.

Authorized to act as a single entity, who authorized this? Company Lawyers, paid for by…Corporations lawyers like rules did you vote every law?

The Walking Dead: The Fascist ‘Corpse of Society’:

Corpse=Corporation? Corpse! Corp-oration?! No, you're not seeing things.

As we I covered ‘corporation’ comes from the Italian to combine in one body.

You can’t put people in one body, but you can people into a group, to loose individuality, individual business, individual ownership to treat them all as if they are one body not many free-thinking minds. If minds are not thinking, living they are ‘dead’- they behave ‘as one’ corpse.

Corpses are not individuals they are interchangeable, corpses buying the same ideas, the same goods, dying in wars as uniform soldiers to reinforce the Fascist state and…

Good Soldiers Need a War:

Therefore you need to create enemies, if your not Europe and cannot import angry people from the country the Corporate military has just bombed ‘freedom’ into back in 2011- when the uptick in the use of labels in the established media started (see prev.)

Then you’re American, and need to separate society into groups behold ‘Social Justice’ pyramid of oppression EVERYONE HATES EVERYONE ELSE and we know how Corpo’s love Social Justice

Just a recap:

“War is the perfect state…”

“Let us have a dagger between our teeth,a bomb in our hand and an infinite scorn in our hearts.”
Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism

The Doctrine of Fascism believed ‘perfect’ unity of thought could only be achieved through endless war and that violence will ‘cleanse’ society

1. Know that the Fascist and in particular the soldier, must not believe in perpetual peace.

-Giovanni Gentile, ‘Ghost Writer’ of the Doctrine of Fascism*

The first known allegedly organic race riots of the 21st Century began in England in 2011, just as the Corporate media began mentioning the racial rhetoric, during the Obama-Cameron bombing of Libya and suddenly the peaceful unity against Corporations of the Occupy Wall-Street movement dissipated but violence, violence motivated by racial propaganda accelerated to the riots of 2020.

A cleansed society, of normal ensued again in 2021- Wall Street Bets took everyone by surprise.

Death to America”, said the Activists, there slogans given to them in The Free West


Thank-You. I tried to tie together many, many points- this free ‘article’ took an entire day to finish. Keep voices independent by donating here

