Hell Starts with Hygiene: How We Got Here?

6 min readDec 26, 2020

Dr C Nicholl-Shelley

"Brainwashing begins with isolation, it is isolation that unsteadies the mind, to soften him up with false guilt..."

-Prof Merloo, Dutch Psychologist and Former victim of Nazi torture.

Let us begin with how this new normal came about.

Dictatorship often begins with subtly, not parades- so let’s start with the little changes.

If someone was to hold a torch to your eyes for almost 24 hours a day and scream of war, of poverty or conversely the ‘better world’ you are missing out on…

The perfect vacation, the perfect women or man surgically deformed to grotesque inflated sizes; how you are unworthy of life of those vacations Etc..

We would call this “torture"- inflicting fear, doubt, jealousy lies and delusions on top of shining a light, not letting you sleep.

The trick was that YOU pick up that white light, you carry your own radio, your own censored television of warnings of doom, of temptation!
A cell phone blazing into your eyes, no prison guard needed.

Instead the fake surgeon of the prison camp for 'perfect people' need only to advertise not abduct children to be 'perfect' adults.

In sum. You are deprived of sleep, without the need for a human Torturer.
We know from studies it only takes ONE day of being kept awake for people to loose track of thoughts, of WHO they are, by Day Two, they feel guilty, fantasize and daydream are overly happy then plummet into sadness. By Day Three they hallucinate. Ethical studies stopped experiments after that.

By Day Two, your willing to be told what to think.


Information is everything. Think of James Bond, that struggle, the excitement of gaining scraps of information about the evil other-side.

Or to take a darker turn the Stasi, Gestapo or NKVD every third person was an informer for the criminal government.

Today, we GIVE AWAY where we are going by 'tagging' our location, we'll tell the world of our loved ones by saying we are with friends, what we are doing and most importantly what we are thinking!

Comments on everything comments on books, on TV programmes, or new clothes. Learning from clothes in particular-who will or won't CONFORM to fashion, is an easier target to conform to other ideas and designs, patterns of behaviour given to them.

Nobody puts a gun to our head! The spies of The Cold War would laugh with hysteria. No effort needed.
But ears are fairly useless without eyes, they feed what the Soviets called 'The Organs' of The State. Today we film ourselves, our opinions on top of spider-web of national cameras- the strings of video tape and microphones in the ceilings of East German train stations.

And we'll film our neighbours Ect. For whom?

3. The Years of Starving.

As someone once said (in private) "The greatest trick The Devil ever pulled was convincing The World he didn't exist." That is to say at the very least people 'get used' to evil.

Unfortunately, I don't have space truly to discuss a generation that worshipped temptation, of easy endless money, of easy grotesque sex, being filled to obese bursting with poisonous food, or hateful ideas that kneel not to God but dark men and women.

The Ancient Egyptians believed Ethiopians were products of The Devil. But I'm sure this an historical curiosity(?!) and in this new state satire is banned.

"When they forget the wisdom of God will wonder The Earth there flesh will hang heavy but the men will be starving, the women will [not birth children] but wombs will create deceit"

Full stomachs but starved of hope, women with no children, but breast swelled with anxiety for the future and a lie of too much freedom. Collective selfishness, that "it wouldn't happen to me" created the path we know face.

Then we wake up from our distractions and say "Why aren't things like they used to be?!"


Hygienic Fascism:

In history books we are told of Kristallnacht "The Night of Broken Glass" in Nazi Germany when Jewish owned businesses (and later other 'groups') were smashed to pieces, burned and graffiti'd.

An obvious parallel are the riots over race and jealousy that took place in The US in Summer 2020 by self proclaimed Anti-Nazis.

However this another horrific distraction stirred up by our hand-held televisions and torches.

The mass closure of independent shops (owned by independent minded owners) by The State is subtly more alarming as there were no riots or threats or vandals like the Nazi's enforcers. The arrogant invisible Devil of smiling State Pressure is something new!

For the sake of not spreading a virus, a disease.

Ever wonder why some enjoyed the Nazis? Answer: very clean streets.

Few people turn the next page on the history book, and are distracted by the first photo.

First once ripped away from their property, these people were told they were 'diseased' as and terribly the Nazi's were partly correct(!). Once proud and just as clean and immaculate as any German,
now poor without a business or home they were pushed into filthy ghettos where typhus spread a disease spread by a parasite lice.

They were "too dirty to be kept alive", the potential to spread a disease, or pandemic and of-course could not protest.

First, The State cleaned the streets, and cleaned the factories, and closed the shops to be owned by The State

Then 'cleaned' the people, by extermination of as propaganda made out the people were the parasite… or virus.

Edit: The UK Health Secretary recently said to “treat people as if they were already infected…”

The goal was cleaner, greener, world, empty of the 'pollution' of humanity.

